Saturday, December 14, 2019

PTSD and Courts

(WOIO) - After more than a year of fighting for PTSD to be recognized for EMS crews like it already is for police and fire, a judge just ruled in the union’s favor.
So it went to a higher court, and Judge Michael Russo just ruled that mental health can be considered an injury, allowing Cleveland EMS workers to take paid leave in “certain qualifying events.”

A St. Louis Army veteran who served in combat and suffers from PTSD said he is being forced out of his home for using prescribed medical marijuana.
Torrence Morris said his landlord is evicting him from The Tower at OPOP Apartments downtown. Morris said the situation started when he had a new neighbor move in next to him who started complaining about the smell of cannabis. He said he offered to start cooking edibles instead but said the neighbor was still upset about the situation.
Morris served active duty in the Army and later deployed to Iraq with the Missouri National Guard.

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