Fake obituary stuns Chesterfield veteran and his family: ‘I woke up to the sound of my mom crying’
CBS 6 News
JUNE 13, 2019
“We can confirm that a private citizen submitted this false information to the Times-Dispatch through our online obituary portal,” said Jason Dillon, vice president of advertising for the Richmond Times-Dispatch.CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- Justin Felger joined the United States Navy shortly after 9/11 but found his calling as an infantryman in the Virginia Army National Guard, which put him on the front lines in Iraq.
“I wanted to fight for the red, white, and blue,” Felger said. “Every time we went out there, it was every corner, every step we took you had to worry about losing your life.”
Staff Sgt. Felger survived two combat tours.
But last month he became a fallen soldier, or so it was written.
“Woke up to the sound of, well, my mom was crying,” Felger said. “My dad had to break the news to me.”
An obituary published in the May 9 edition of the Richmond Times-Dispatch claimed that the Chesterfield native had died unexpectedly at the age of 36.
Someone had also created a separate memorial website.
The minutes and hours that followed were chaotic.
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