
Sunday, October 14, 2018

80 soldiers against 300 insurgents--and won

Veteran Honoring Veterans in Central Pennsylvania

WNEP 16 News
OCTOBER 3, 2018

JERSEY SHORE, Pa. -- Later this month, veterans in central Pennsylvania will be walking to help raise awareness about suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A veteran from Clinton County is hoping his story will help others reach out for help.

It's been nine years to the day since Army veteran Alex Folmar from Lock Haven was in a firefight for his life.

"October 3, 2009, our combat outpost in Afghanistan got attacked," Folmar recalled.

Eighty soldiers, including Folmar, found themselves up against 300 insurgents.

"We ended up winning or so, but we ended up losing eight people."

Folmar came home safely but not without scars. Aside from back problems, he's been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
read more here

(Editor's Note) While I do not like to share any of these "stunts" to raise awareness, this veteran's story needs to be shared. 

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