
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Fort Myers HOA does not like Vietnam veteran's memorial on his garage?

Skirmish at Florida community over a Vietnam War memorial mural settled ... unhappily

Fort Myers News-Press
Michael Braun
May 7, 2019

A skirmish between residents and management at a North Fort Myers development in Florida involving a memorial to the Vietnam War ended peacefully if not unhappily Tuesday.

The issue arose seemingly overnight when residents of the Del Tura Golf and Country Club began talking on social media sites about a mural on a garage door painted in black and depicting a Vietnam War-era soldier kneeling before a cross with a helicopter flying in the background.

Community officials sent Bob Masson, 71, a Vietnam War vet and the mural's owner, a letter asking him to remove the depiction. Apparently there also had been a complaint.

"It feels like I've been kicked in the head," Masson said. "It feels like (his service in the war) meant nothing right now. It meant a lot to us when we were over there."
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