
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Ministers Of The Mystery Series, a time for you!

Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
November 25, 2022

Ministers Of The Mystery is for anyone trying to heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. All the "people" in these books are recovering from different life-altering events. I believe the most important thing to take away from this series is simple, yet the empowering fact is, all of them healed with the support of someone else.

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"

Audrey Hepburn

Series Description:
The Vision Awaits Prophecy: "The 13th Minister shall arise from the shadow of Proctor’s Ledge and demons will dread the sword of truth in the hands of the powerful scribe."

In modern-day Salem, The Master Ministers were preparing for the most powerful one of all would take his place as the 13th Minister. All they had to do was convince him to do it.

Ministers Of The Mystery Series explores the miraculous power within all of us to help one another achieve the purpose we were all sent here to fulfill.

Some churches say that no one can be a Christian and a witch at the same time. Are Christian witches, witches, or ministering spirits? “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:7. The churches point out the passages condemning witchcraft while ignoring the fact that in each case, those practicing witchcraft were accused of doing it for evil purposes. In all the other passages, someone using gifts of the spirit was accepted because they were using their gifts to help others. So are these Christian witches, really witches or are they ministering spirits empowered by God to do good in this world?

We know evil exists. The question is, why did God let it happen? Did God try to prevent the Salem Witchcraft Trials? Did He try to prevent the suffering of His servants here on earth? If you believe the Bible then you know that God does not create evil, but He does create miracles. What if Reverend George Burroughs was sent to Salem Village to prevent the trials but the people who were supposed to help him, turned against him?

What if there is someone on this earth today sent to help heal the world and prevent suffering but is receiving the help he needs to do what he was sent to do? What if everything is in place for it to all happen, but he decides to not do it? The Scribe of Salem is book one. The Visionary of Salem is book two. 13th Minister of Salem is book three.

If you have PTSD, you'll understand what it was like for Chris in his darkest days. You'll be able to feel the fear he has facing more changes. What I hope you also feel, is having friends come to help you heal, believing in you because they know you and care about you.

If you think God did it to you or didn't prevent it, you'll understand Chris.

“If you’re supposed to find her, trust that and you will.”

Chris shook his head. “You have no idea how strange that sounds to me right now. Up until you guys walked into the bar at 7:00, I would have told you what I thought about God,” he looked down, “that He’s a vindictive son of a bitch playing around with people’s lives and making us suffer for fun. Now I don’t know what to think.”

“You suffered for seven years, so ya, I get how you would feel that way. I did too for a while. The thing is, the explosion happened at 7:00 too, so maybe this time, He’s moving things around so you open your eyes to how wrong you were. Come on Bill is still waiting for us.”
Chris isn't a veteran. He was a reporter covering the war in Afghanistan when a bomb nearly killed him.

If you don't go to church, but believe in God, and even if you don't, you'll understand Chris and all of his friends. None of them go.

If you are a veteran, there are several you'll understand including Vietnam veterans and a female MP.

If you are a police officer, you'll understand one of the people in these books.

If you like books about Salem witches, you'll understand the master ministers of the mystery using the powers they were born with while forced to keep secrets.

If you are a Christian witch, feeling vilified by the "church" you'll understand these incredible people doing whatever they can to help heal others. After all, the one Chris needed to meet was called a witch too!

Read The Scribe Of Salem and let me know what you think. I value your opinion as much as I value your time reading my posts. Now that the three books are done, I'll have time to focus on this page again. To tell you the truth, I missed it, and you.

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