Monday, September 21, 2015

Trespass and Peril For Your Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is only threatened when one person or group thinks they have the right to force anyone else to surrender their own choice to them. It is as simple as that. Christianity is not being threatened. It may appear that way because few seem able to actually think about what it means to believe what you want while respecting the rights of others to believe what they choose to believe or not.
Trespass Law. an unlawful act causing injury to the person, property, or rights of another, committed with force or violence, actual or implied. a wrongful entry upon the lands of another. the action to recover damages for such an injury. 2. an encroachment or intrusion. 3. an offense, sin, or wrong.
There law is clear and gay rights should not be surrendered due to some religious groups. There are some Christian churches that have no problem with gay parishioners or even performing gay weddings.

The Episcopal Church approves religious weddings for gay couples after controversial debate and so do these. The Presbyterian Church (USA) formally recognized same-sex marriages and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and United Church of Christ has allowed same-sex couples to get married since 2005.

Most churches will not allow them and that is fine considering Christians have not agreed on much over the last few thousand years, still, had there been any law establishing the right for all gay people to be married wherever they wanted, there would have been a scream heard around the world because then there would be no freedom of religion.

So why would anyone be ok when one Christian believes she has the right as an employee of the government to prevent someone else from having the same right to believe as they want? It is not her right to hinder the rights of others because she does not agree with them.

I am naturally referring to Kim Davis and what she is pulling in Kentucky. It isn't just about the folks seeking equal rights in that county it is about setting a standard for all rights to be reduced in the eyes of the law.

What on earth would she say to a servicemember seeking a license to marry his/her partner? "Sorry but your rights are not as good as mine?"

Any level headed person should be appalled by this because if you are not, then ask yourself who you'd give the power to over your own right to believe as you will. Let them trespass someone else's freedom and you put your own in peril.

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