Showing posts with label The Visionary Of Salem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Visionary Of Salem. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Mental Health Awareness Free eBooks

Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
May 7, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month but for us, it is every month. Every month we can become more aware of the power we have within ourselves to Take Back Our Lives from #PTSD and heal. While mental health is not just about PTSD, the only way to join this club is to become a survivor. That's the point we keep missing. There is no reason to feel ashamed of what surviving did to us. No shame in not understanding what it was doing to us or not knowing what it was doing to someone we love. Why? Because no one we knew told us.
Last year I wrote The Scribe Of Salem, The Visionary Of Salem, and 13th Minister Of Salem to change the conversation. The central character turned his suffering into a contest he didn't want to win. It took the efforts of two close veteran friends to open his eyes to the fact that PTSD strikes survivors of all types of life-threatening events. They understood what it took for them to become happier. Everyone else in the books had demons to fight but did not have to fight them alone. They were determined to help Chris as much as they could. In truth, the honest way to put it is life-changing events. It changes your life because you no longer live with daily normality. You are living with becoming a survivor. 

Most people will automatically assume the conversation beginning with the term PTSD will be about veterans. The truth is it happens to millions of people surviving many other events.  It happens to men, women, and children. If they feel ashamed of what surviving did to them, they won't talk about it until we change the conversation and let them know we care about them. 

The other thing most people never hear about are the scriptures they will not hear in church. Because they hold the power to bring people closer to God and discover the spiritual power they were created with, people will realize they don't need someone else to get in the middle. The spiritual battle is one of our most important ones, yet too often is ignored. 

The characters in the books helped him fight against what he was becoming so he could become what he was meant to be. He lost hope. They restored it. He loved God so much that he wanted to become a priest. Then he regarded God as "that He’s a vindictive son of a bitch playing around with people’s lives and making us suffer for fun." Surviving was some sort of punishment. Despite all of his pain, he still cared about being able to help his friends and others. He couldn't see how much compassion he held onto. 

A secret society took action to help him heal. One of them was a woman many called a witch but she was so much more. She opened his eyes and taught him to understand that he was sent to change the conversation from suffering in silence to sharing healing.
I hear your voice on the wind
And I hear you call out my name
"Listen my child," you say to me
"I am the voice of your history
Be not afraid, come follow me
Answer my call and I'll set you free"
I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice, I will remain
The Voice Celtic Women

All the characters had their own past struggles and suffered until someone else came to help them heal. They dedicate their lives to doing the same for others. 

The books are supernatural in nature and spiritual because that's what PTSD is. Our events are the horrible parts of our story. Our nightmares are our horror movies. A battle of good vs evil because our spirits filled with all that is good within us, are being treated by the memories of the bad that happened to us. We believe the darkness is all there is because no one showed us the light we can live in again, was there all along. Who we were, what made us "us," is all still there but trapped behind hopelessness.

That is why the ebooks are free for May. It is time for you to see there is so much more possible in your life than you could ever dream of.

Friday, March 3, 2023

You can read Ministers Of The Mystery Series for free March 5-11

Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
March 3, 2023

When friends and family told me what they thought about the Ministers Of The Mystery series, it made me feel good, but honestly, there was that tiny nagging thought they praised the books because they love me. When strangers praise the work, that is what every author wants to hear.

I don't know if my readers know what it is like to spend so much time crafting a story, putting it into a manuscript, editing, re-editing, and publishing the work. It is hard and lonely. (I am grateful I love to read as much as I do, but now I appreciated the authors more than ever before.) Then there are endless days doing whatever we can to figure out how to get people to find the books. It is draining, emotionally and financially.

So why would any author give the work away? Because the point is to share the work so that others can see the world through the eyes of the author.

Yesterday I received two reviews from Readers' Favorite and, honestly stunned by the 5 Star rating from one of the reviewers. The other gave it 4 Stars, and I am grateful to the reviewers that nailed the message of the books from different directions. (Update there are now 4 reviews)

The series is free starting Sunday. If you read these books, please let me know what you think with a review on @Smashwords.

The Scribe Of Salem eBook is free on Smashwords from March 5-11
Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite 5 Stars
The Scribe of Salem by Kathie Costos is a historical supernatural suspense story, the first edition in the Ministers of the Mystery series, and best suited to an adult audience. In this thrilling work filled with fantasy, magic, secrets, and scripture, we are introduced to the brutal and needless violence of the Salem Witch Trials from an interesting new perspective. Journalist Chris Papadopoulos is our central figure, and he thinks he’s already had his fair share of personal and professional horrors in the risky life he’s chosen to lead. But no modern-day warzone could compare with what awaits him in Salem and the minister he will have to deal with once there.

Kathie Costos weaves an engrossing and spine-tingling tale that beautifully blends dark fantasy, gothic fiction, and supernatural horror to deliver the best of all these genres combined. This is an area of history that I’ve read a lot about and enjoyed exploring. I loved the perspective that Costos takes with the idea of secrets, gossip, whispers, and the written word being more dangerous than any otherworldly monster could ever be. The writing style is sharp and focused on the moment at hand, moving quickly through different scenes with swift dialogue that helps keep the pace. Overall, The Scribe of Salem is a work filled right to the brim with intrigue, emotional depth, and historical horror, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the series holds in store.

Reviewed by Manik Chaturmutha for Readers' Favorite 5 Stars
In The Scribe of Salem: Ministers of the Mystery by Kathie Costos, readers are introduced to Chris Papadopoulos, who has witnessed his fair share of tragedies in life. As a newspaper correspondent, he has traveled the world, including the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. His life fell apart while working there. Back in America, Chris tries to survive as he suffers from trauma. He despises changes since most of them have made his life worse. However, one night at the Bishop Hotel bar in Salem, Chris gets an opportunity to turn his life around. A minister is waiting to help him in New Hampshire, and all he has to do is agree to meet her.

This book goes into great detail about topics not brought to light due to the stigma associated with them. It refers to the Salem witch trials in North America and how people were brutally tortured and executed based on hearsay and gossip. The Scribe of Salem explores themes like PTSD and domestic violence against men in marriage along with the stigma attached to it. It discusses meeting the right people, healing, the light and the darkness, addiction, and mental health. The book emphasizes how important it is to help people recover after trauma in their lives. Kathie Costos also explores feelings of hopelessness and the power within all of us to help one another achieve our life purpose. The book is recommended for those with an interest in mental health.
Reviewed by Jessica Barbosa for Readers' Favorite 5 Stars
The Scribe of Salem by Kathie Costos is a supernatural story and the first part of the Ministers of the Mystery series. When everything seems to go wrong in life, is it still possible to be saved? Chris Papadopoulos has seen war and death. He has experienced being hurt and there are days when everything is just too much to handle. His marriage destroyed his life and there is anger and regret in him. He can't see what could be better about the future. His friends present him with an opportunity to be saved. They urge him to meet someone who has helped them when they were at the lowest point in their lives. Things soon begin to look up for Chris but he is terrified. The only thing change has ever done is hurt him. He does not know what the future holds for him but he still doubts that it will be anything good. God has other plans. 
In this story, I was struck by the words of the character Alex Michaels: “If love could still live after all that horror, love could live in anyone." The start of The Scribe of Salem by Kathie Costos taught me about the importance of compassion and support from friends and even strangers. This is a heartrending and powerful tale of pain and healing. Mysterious forces are at work to give Chris the saving he deserves after the nightmare life he has experienced. I appreciate how this story does not shy away from the pain of trauma. Costos portrays Chris’s suffering succinctly and with great emotional depth. Chris is careful and tries not to be too hopeful that he too will have a chance at a happier life and that broke my heart. As I read through his and many other characters' stories, I could not help but cheer them on and wish them the best. This first book of the series was a journey of change and hope with an interesting twist and many important lessons to learn. I learned that the past may be painful but acknowledging the pain is important and it takes great strength to focus on the future and move forward with hope and love in our hearts. Overall, I found this to be an excellent and unforgettable read.
Reviewed by Cloie Belle Daffon for Readers' Favorite 4 Stars
Christopher Papadopoulos’ marriage and career have died. It is only a matter of time before he does too. He thinks God is someone vindictive who loves playing with people’s lives and making them suffer for fun. His life so far is proof enough of that. But after talking with his friends about his troubles and hearing their optimism about life, despite their fair share of tragedies, he doesn't know what to think. They are all saved from giving up on life by someone named Mandy. His pals think it is time for him to take his life back and agree that he should meet Mandy too. But who is Mandy? How can she help him when he can barely help himself? Read The Scribe of Salem by Kathie Costos to find out.

The first book in the Ministers of the Mystery Series is mysterious, unique, and spiritual. Kathie Costos’ The Scribe of Salem took me on an emotional, healing journey. The characters each have had their struggles. They have all reached a low point in their lives that made them think of giving up but a fateful encounter changes their hearts and minds. I was drawn in by the characters’ struggles and stayed to see how their stories would turn out. None of their journeys have been easy but the characters persevered and pushed through. I greatly admired the strength it took for them to face another day and to continue hoping against adversity. It is hope that allows them to listen for their salvation and see a brighter day. I learned a powerful and unforgettable lesson about faith and hope and the important role it plays when it comes to reclaiming one’s life again. Good job!
Review by Monique Snyman BookTrib
In The Scribe of Salem: Ministers of the Mystery, the first book in the Ministers of the Mystery series, Kathie Costos takes readers on a wild fictional journey that has one foot in reality. Filled with suspense, historical intrigue, magic and scripture, get ready for an edge-of-your-seat novel that’ll leave you wanting more.

Excellent Research and Superb Characters

Kathie Costos did some excellent research into the Salem Witch Trials, which will help spark readers’ memories on the tragic events that had occurred during the Puritanical days of the USA. What’s more, her writing draws readers into the story so vigorously that even someone who has never been to Salem can get a sense of the area and its rich history.

Readers will also appreciate the tragic characters that Kathie Costos crafted. Each character has a backstory, a darkness that surrounds them. They try to get rid of that lingering shadow, yes, but it’s always there. This, paired with the author’s atmospheric writing, turns The Scribe of Salem into an almost modern-gothic novel that is in the same vein as Edgar Allan Poe’s works.

Luckily, It’s Not the End

Kathie Costos was able to craft a wonderful, realistic — albeit terrifying — story that is both memorable and unputdownable. The Scribe of Salem will leave readers wanting more as soon as you close the book. Fortunately, two more titles are planned in the series, which means lovers of the dark and macabre can rest easily … More is on the way, rejoice!

Review from a reader of The Scribe Of Salem on Barnes and Noble


The Visionary Of Salem eBook is free on Smashwords from March 5-11
13th Minister Of Salem eBook free on Smashwords from March 5-11

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ministers Of The Mystery Series Ebook Week 2023 from March 5-11

I'm excited to announce my book, Ministers Of The Mystery Series will be promoted as part of a special sale on @Smashwords to celebrate Read an Ebook Week 2023 from March 5-11. Be sure to follow me for more updates and links to the promotion for my books and many more! #ebookweek23 #Smashwords #witches #secretsociety #supernaturalthriller

Why am I doing this? Because I believe these books can change the way you look at the world around you as much as you look at yourself in a more powerful way. All is not what it appears to be and that includes the people you think you know. They all have their own secrets and struggles. So do all the characters in these books.

I am offering them for free and only ask you to leave a review. I am writing the 4th part and value your opinion.

The Scribe Of Salem

The Visionary Of Salem