Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rock Hill veteran, father of 4, battling leukemia

Rock Hill veteran, father of 4, battling leukemia
Facebook page, Web site set up to help family
By Andrew Dys -

The license plates say veteran.

The pictures of Qatar and Kuwait and Turkey say veteran.

The guy, 36 years old, with four tiny sons, can say veteran.

But he can’t do much more.

Jeff Wyman, Air Force veteran of four deployments, has to save his strength for the chemotherapy poison that can save his life as he battles acute lymphatic leukemia.

“My daddy has cancer,” says Aaron Wyman, 6, oldest of the four sons. The son Jeff has to tell, “Be tough, you’re the man of the house,” when Jeff leaves for the hospital for days at a time.

The wife, Wendy, whom Jeff Wyman calls “incredible,” has to say things at the grocery store or doctor that this family with the youngest son just 3 months old never thought any would say.

“I have a WIC voucher,” she says of the federal Women, Infants and Children program that pays for formula and food for newborns.

Or, “I’m paying for this with food stamps,” at the checkout counter.

Or, “Here’s my Medicaid card,” when taking the boys to the doctor.

“It has been, to say the least, a very humbling experience,” said Wendy Wyman.

“We both have worked all our lives, worked hard,” Jeff Wyman said. “Now we have found out that these programs are for people who get into situations just like ours.”

Jeff Wyman is the kind of guy who never asked anybody for anything.

Read more: Rock Hill veteran, father of 4, battling leukemia

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