Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shock Waves, PTSD book that tells it like it is

When it comes to PTSD the best therapists either have PTSD or live with someone who does. There are many things that you can't understand just by reading books or talking to someone from time to time. The frustration of living with mood-swings, walking on eggshells, constant turmoil and heartbreak, glimpses of hope shattered by reality, the constant worry for their safety, the list goes on. No one understands this better than the people living with it. When it comes to books on PTSD, it follows along the same reasoning. If you want to know what it is like living with PTSD, read it from someone who does and not some casual observer just copying news reports or interviewing people without really understanding what questions should be asked. I've been living with the good and bad for 26 years. When I'm pulled into a book I'm reading, into their world and their pain, that's when I know they get it.

Cynthia Orange gets it. In her new book Shock Waves, she shares her life and uses quotes from others to help healing. She shares her life along with research to get others to know the life we live everyday. It's well written and flows without hype and needless words just to fill pages.

It's the best $14.95 you can spend if you want to learn more about PTSD.

I am asked all the time to review books and usually I cringe a bit when I get an email about the newest book coming out. I don't give bad reviews, so I don't mention the books I find more self-promoting than helpful. One recent book came to me and when I read about full names being printed along with personal information by a therapist, I just about fell off my chair. That one almost made me reach the point of stopping reviewing books all together. Other books left me feeling as if they just don't know enough about it. Shock Wave just restored my faith in good people writing for the right reasons.

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