Friday, March 2, 2012

Corporal Adam M. Byler's heart tugging letter of thanks to all who cared

To whom it may concern,

I want to personally thank you for the extremely generous donation to the Adalynn Byler Memorial Fund. The fund was actually started by David Haynes and fellow Marines here at my unit. All the donations were put to use in helping out in the funeral services, getting my family through times of no income and other financial burdens. I would have sent out more personalized thank you letters, but the way the Navy Federal Credit Union was taking in donations, there was only letters with no return addresses. The support I received from fellow Marines, sailors, soldiers and civilians, past or present, friends and family has been unimaginable, and the only reason I am doing as good as I am today.

When we were at the hospital after the incident, the nurses in the ICU could not believe how many people showed up to see my daughter Adalynn. I would say somewhere between 200 and 300 range. We even had a large group "camped out" in the waiting area and took turns making runs for energy drinks and coffee. I always knew that the brotherhood was strong,,,but nothing to the degree that I have seen these past months. I never imagined when I was first told about the fund, that people I never met would have even heard about the fund. From myself, my wife and son thank you again for the donation.

As an update for me and my family.
I am currently on Active Orders at the 6MTBN CO A 4MLG, Orlando FL and working with the Active Duty Marines. Trying to do my part and help with the training on drill weekends, funerals for veterans and anywhere else I am needed. For the most part they are keeping me as busy as possible, and it has been a great way for myself to get my mind off of the situation. Out unit has another deployment coming up late this year, so I am trying to bring the knowledge I have from the previous deployment and either deploy with them or just provide the knowledge so they can continue with the mission.

I also have received a lot of help from the Veterans Affairs as far as getting counseling sessions. My wife is currently trying to get back into school for the fall and change her major to social work at University of Central Florida, she feels that with our unfortunate situation she can try and help others out and that social work would be the best route and my son is going to be starting Pre K next year. he is a normal three year old and is full of energy and keeps us busy. He was too young to understand exactly was going on. The one thing that everyone was afraid of was that this experience would put a strain on our family, but somehow it has made us stronger as a family and has made us live life to the fullest. Nothing can explain how eternally grateful we are to everyone who has helped out in our time of need.
Semper Fi

Corporal Adam M. Byler USMC

also on this
Dec 17, 2011
Adalynn Byler was pronounced on Monday evening and was on support in order to allow organ transplant teams to be set up. Her family was very generous in allowing other families to have their prayers/wishes/dreams answered. There are three lives whose futures changed on Tuesday by the forward and outward thinking of the Byler family.

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