Thursday, August 23, 2012

Army Suicide Problem Needs God, not Nasal Spray and Drugs

Well I do agree with this part way anyway. The whole of the veteran needs to be treated which means mind (medication and therapy) body (reteaching it to calm down) and spirit (finding forgiveness and being able to forgive others as well as themselves) so I do not agree with taking medications out of this. Medications can't be the only treatment provided.

The reason why I put this article up is that it right on the mark when it says this is a spiritual issue and must be addressed that way for the sake of the veteran and the family.

U. S. Army Suicide Problem Needs God, not Nasal Spray and Drugs
by Dale Fletcher

The U.S. Army has reported that there were 38 total confirmed or suspected suicides in its ranks in the month of July, 2012. This is the highest number of suicides in a month ever.

The Army has confirmed 120 suicides for both active- and non-active-duty soldiers in 2012, with 67 other deaths suspected as suicides but still under investigation. Twenty-five of those were attributed to soldiers who did not have any previous deployments.

The Army reported 242 suicides in 2009, 305 in 2010 and 283 in 2011.

As part of its coverage of this serious issue, this week CNN carried an article titled Can Nasal Spray Prevent Military Suicides? Apparently, the Army has endorsed a grant for Dr. Michael Kubek, an Indiana University of Medicine professor, to determine whether a nasal spray could be a safe and effective way to administer a specific antidepressive neurochemical to the brain of soldiers and help calm suicidal thoughts.

I know that the Army, as well as the Navy and Air Force, has directed a lot of resources into attempting to prevent suicides. They clearly have not implemented initiatives that have been effective at reducing the incidence of suicides. So, they need to do more... but administering antidepressive neurochemicals through the nose? Come on.

The stressors that members of our Armed Services are under are significant. But choices to take one's life come from deep within their soul, spirit and mind. Any long-lasting and permanent solution to the high suicide rate will not come from administering chemicals through a pill or a spray. The solution must be at a deeper lever than that.

The solution must be spiritual, because the problem is spiritual.
read more here

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