Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Unemployed Marines headline makes no sense

This was the headline
Study: Marine vets from non-combat jobs more likely to draw unemployment
About half way into the article there was this.
And although many of those disciplines translate well to civilian jobs, positions may be few and far between in some parts of the country, meaning the Marine Corps may need to focus on helping those Marines relocate to regions with healthy job markets in their specialty, Desrosiers said.

During her research, she found that the unemployment rate in states to which Marines move after leaving active duty have heavy influence on their likelihood of claiming unemployment.

Other factors likely to contribute: being young, nonwhite, female, married and having children. And those statistics are mostly on par with nonveteran populations across the U.S.

So basically it depends on their experience and where they live more than anything else. What was the point of the title?

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