Saturday, December 6, 2014

Home Depot Foundation Renovates Vietnam Vet's Home and Heart

Saying thanks: Home Depot renovates home of Vietnam War veteran
By Julianne Peixoto
December 5, 2014

Town of Maine, NY (WBNG NY) One local Vietnam War veteran is finally getting the 'thank you' that has eluded him since his service days.

"My fear stayed overseas," said veteran Paul Klugh, of the town of Maine. "I was scared everyday over there, every day."

Klugh vividly remembers his time in combat during the Vietnam War.

"That first time you kill a person it turns your stomach," said Klugh. "You get sick to your stomach. It's like having the flu a hundred times over because you took a life. But it's either yours or his."

Klugh received a Bronze Star for bravery in action. But after his tour of duty, he didn't come home alone. Vietnam returned with him.

"I had PTSD, I didn't know it existed," said Klugh. "I knew there was something wrong."

He came home to a thankless country, carrying a shameful feeling about his service.

"People didn't accept you," said Klugh. "They said, 'You were a baby killer, you had to kill civilians. You guys did this, you did that.' Well, we had to. We couldn't help it sometimes."

Klugh said he was never thanked for his service.
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