Back then while I adored President Clinton and liked Al Gore, I was not happy with the way the veterans were still suffering. The Vietnam veterans were still not being taken care of properly and the Gulf War veterans were faced with having to fight for their lives after they came home with illnesses no one understood the cause of. They came back with depleted uranium poisoning on top of everything else. I was just as hard on Clinton as I have been on Bush because of the veterans. When it came to them, no one was living up to what we owed the veterans.
Anyway, last night I couldn't get to sleep so I turned on CNN. I watched the documentary on McCain. Once again I was reminded of how much he's changed and why I am thoroughly disgusted with him. He has become the mirror image of Bush in order to win the presidency. Now he's trying to sell himself as not being part of the problem?
The problems for veterans got worse while McCain was sucking up to Bush. When he could have been front and center on veterans needs, McCain was against what they needed. He was part of the congress when the devastation hit our veterans harder than at another time. Obama was not. He was not part of the creation of this catastrophe. Obama was part of taking on cleaning up the mess people like McCain created. Most of the changes for the better happened since the Democrats gained control, albeit limited control, of the senate. They had a stronger majority in the House. What they have managed to do is increase funding for the VA and passed the new GI Bill and they had to fight hard to do it with veto threats from Bush. McCain was not part of the change the veterans needed. He was part of the problem and total ignorance the congress had up until 2007 when the committees were then controlled by Democrats.
There are some Republicans who are fighting for veterans and when they do, I'm more than happy to post about what they are doing but McCain is not one of them. He has not fought for veterans even though he's one of them. What makes it worse is that he has fought against them. This is why I'm so hard on McCain. I expected a lot more out of him and feel like a total damn fool that I supported him in 2000. I won't make that mistake again. The stakes for our veterans are just too high a price to pay. He can say he wants to bring change to Washington all he wants but so far the changes he says he wants to make are not in their favor.
Senior Chaplain Kathie Costos